Our Process Works

Our Mediation Process Works. Because you create your own solutions in mediation, you are more likely to abide by those agreements, thus avoiding the cost and stress of ongoing legal battles.
An Efficient Process – Mediation
Mediation is efficient because the process is not complicated. In mediation, communication happens between the Parties at the table, directly with one-another. Trained Attorney Mediators help Parties to be productive at the table and to keep the process productive.
Tips for Communicating Effectively
Below are the suggested Ground Rules for each Mediation session.
These Ground Rules help to ensure a safe and productive environment for mediating issues that may be difficult or emotional for the Parties.
- Talk to the Mediator if talking to one another is not productive.
- Do not interrupt; let each person finish what they are saying.
- Treat each other with respect.
- Stay in the present.
- Focus on the future.
- No blaming.
- If something is not working for you, please speak up.
- Remember this process is completely voluntary.
- If you do not want to agree, you don’t have to.
Mediation as a Legal Process
We are attorneys and our legal expertise is a valuable part of what we have to offer. Your Attorney Mediator will help you understand the law as it would be applied to your situation in order to help you solve your divorce issues.
As your mediator, we are neutral facilitators and as such we do not represent either party as their attorney. Rather, we work with all involved parties to help everyone reach a mutually acceptable agreement you feel is fair and just, based on your unique circumstances. This is the great strength of mediation, together we will design an agreement that works for you.
Once reached, your Attorney Mediator will draft the agreement and it is submitted to the court for a judge to sign. This agreement is then enforceable in a court of law, just as a litigated settlement would be. Unlike a litigated settlement, however, mediation is significantly less expensive than going to court.
Neutral Experts
Sometimes it is beneficial for a neutral expert to join the mediation process to assist the parties. We encourage Parties to work with any type of advisor who may help them to feel qualified to make decisions. For example, parties often choose to bring in a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst (CDFA) to help them make the best financial decisions. Or, parties may choose to bring in a mental health professional to help them address concerns about either party or the children coping with the divorce, or a variety of reasons. Other neutral experts may be estate planners and tax advisors.
Team Mediation
Your Attorney Mediator may suggest that a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst (CDFA) or Mental Health Professional join your process, either for the duration, or for a session or two, depending upon the issues that are raised in your case. Bringing in a neutral expert to help you is less expensive than hiring two outside experts, which is what happens when you are going to court to resolve your legal issues. At Finding Common Ground Mediation and Law ServicesTM we only bring in professionals who have been trained in the mediation process.